One thing I enjoy, one thing that sucks

Hello my Good Ol' Three Faithful Readers.

Today I bring you something I really enjoy in life. It happens whenever I'm eating something like Spicy Nacho Doritos, Flaming Hot Cheetos, Honey BBQ Frito's or some other kind of munchies that leaves my fingers smeared with all the delicious munchy flavor so I can then suck it off my fingers. Heck, sometimes I will even scrape the bottom of the bag to collect more of the stuff.

Sometimes life conspires against us and finds ways and stuff to get in the way of whatever it is that we enjoy. At the beginning its things labeled by our parents as "good" or "bad" as we are growing up. Surely this has happened to most of us - unless you didn't have parents or they simply did not care for you. Later on life finds trickier, oh so subtle ways

Just like slurping the last drops of Coke with a straw, sex, eating sweet candy, sex, jumping on the bed, sex, reading at the toilet for hours, sex, videogames, sex, horror movies and mostly sex, enjoying those remnants of flavor on my fingers was labeled as "bad".

One grows up and leaves their parents rule behind, free to - responsibly - decide.

So now that I could enjoy sucking the Archers Farm Buffalo Wing chips off my fingers freely, life finds something to put in the way of my enjoyment: my car's manual transmission. Because every time I have to change gears some off that delicious flavor gets wiped off my fingers. And that sucks.

Lesson to learn: there will be many annoyances in life. We can go on getting mad and making a fuss each and everytime; that way we will only become a walking avalanche belching cuss-words at every crack in the paviment.

We should stop and suck the flavor of life off our fingers.