Small Delicacies

I would like to inform my Ol' Three Faithful Readers that yesterday, March 30th 2005, was a glorious day. On a day like that at aproximately 16:30 I came into this world. A blessing to some, a curse to others. But mostly a blessing.

It was a very good day. A day of small, subtle, yet great details. Ironically, the first Happy Birthday e-mail or notice I got came from I found it nice that, though it was most probably nothing more than a stored procedure in a MySQL database, they took the time to add it and congratulate forum members. Thanks guys!

I woke up, the smell of the bottled up oxygen in my lungs. It was at that moment I realized my roomie and I had to open the window for a while, or else we would die in our own carbon monoxide. Non-galantly I showered, dressed up and went to my first class, Compilers, only to find out my teacher (who happens to be my career director) also celebrates her birthday on 03/30. Funny, hehehe.

Then came another pleasant, great detail on my B-Day: The visit to the dentist. Hahahaha, only I make an appoiment with the dentist on that very day to have my braces set. Oooooh yeah. I love the pain. Somehow I enjoy my visits to the dentist, but that is a story for another day my good Ol' Three Faithful Readers, a story I will title: "The New Pleasure."

The God of Lighting phoned me up after that. I was driving while he sang "Happy Birthday to you," so there was a complete mix of feeling in me between: happyness and road-rage anger against the old lady pulling her screwed up oldsmobile against my lane. But I survived the look-ma-no-hands stunt. It was something to remember! Hehehe.

And then, the moment I am sure my Ol' Three Faithful Readers are waiting for: the monologue constest results... I got back to My Four Walls... drops of anxious sweat running down my forehead... I'd left Jessy on and in my Gmail account... I turn on the monitor. There it is, three new e-mails in my Inbox: One from a friend, another from my parents, and lastly one with the monologue elimination results. Coldly, I stood in my place, staring at the screen with a blank mind. I read the other two e-mails first as if trying to easy my mind: obviously congratulations from a friend and my parents. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath that filled my lungs with oxygen and clicked the Inbox button... and finally... the dreaded yet expect e-mail.

Okay, where are the results? I see no list. I almost explode in a fit of rage as I discover there's an attached Word document. Click, downloading. Those five seconds it took 408KB to download seemed an eternity to me. I swear I could see each and every bit going down the ethernet cable, mocking me as they walk as slow as they can, ooops! An ACK lost, must do a callback, friggin' sliding window. Here comes the new packet, all covered up with present paper and a bow. I bite my tongue and try to think of... of my stomach that's convulsing inside of me, almost coming out through my belly button.

Finally, the document downloads. And there it lays, sitting in my desktop. A smile of... of what? Joy? Horror? Nervousness? Love? Fear? Maybe all of them mixed up together, compressed, waiting to come out with a bang. *BANG* So I close my eyes and double click the document... hum... no hard drive noise... no movement... crap, I missed the icon when I closed my eyes. I carefully position the pointer right in the middle of it... and... close my eyes again... click... click... I open my eyes and there it is in my BenQ FP767v2 17" Monitor with its stunning fast 16ms response time, the judge's veredict: the finalists.

I'm in it.

And right about that moment I realize that I have not been breathing. My brain yells at me "Give me some oxygen or you'll pass out, bump your head, have a concussion and when you wake up amnesia will have puts its sweet arms around you." So what do I do? I yell out in happyness: "Hell poopie yeah!"

And then breathe.

Further up in the day, I slept in my theater class. Got more congratulations and the such. Until late at night we go to dinner at Bennigan's. Ooooo... a sweet carbohydrate, fat charged but tasty Monte Cristo awaits for me (and still waits, as 1/4 of it still resides in my fridge). Few things in the world make me remember there is a God and that sometimes he smiles and gives us mere mortals much joys in the world such as the Monte Cristo.

Next day I woke up with diarrhea... bet you did not want to know that. I do not blame it on the Monte Cristo though, but on the squishy sandwich I ate before that at the school cafeteria. And even if it had been the Monte Cristo, then those thirty or so minutes lost in the bathroom are more than a fair price for such pleasure the Monte Cristo gives my frail and mortal body.

Tomorrow, Friday April 1st, is the Monologue Contest Finals. Many people ask me if I'm going to participate in it. I so eloquently answer: "No, I'm not going to participate in it. I'm going to win it."

And by the jolly good bollocks of Mr. Monkey Pants in the back a van down by the river, I will!

This is big

Okay... the Monologue Contest eliminations start in one hour 15 minutes. Even so, my turn is not up until 3 hours and 25 minutes.

Something big happens... something that had never happened before... I'm nervous.

Never, ever in my whole time as an actor, in all 11 plays I have been in have I ever felt nervousness like this. Only a small tingle in my stomach just as I walk to the stage... but never before. Not once had I felt my stomach crunch up and wiggle...

Well, I'm off. I'm going to relax my mind. Later I will tell you how it all went.

Long long vacations

I must apologize to my Ol' Three Faithful Readers, but it seems I took some very long vacations. Actually, if I must be 100% honest, I got somewhat lazy. There's a point somewhere around 11pm in which my brain goes to complete shut-down mode.

Anyway, many things have happened. From one day The Powers That Be loving me too much and having classes canceled, to me yelling at some dude in a take-out restaurant because here in Mexico customer service is non-existant. Then what we know as Holy Week in Mexico, known in the US as Spring Break. The only difference is that Holy Week/Spring Break is always at the same time as Easter, whereas in the US Spring Brake varies over time.

So I went back home, considering home as the place where I grew up, my house, where my family waits for me and 6 Chihuahua dogs wait anxiously for me. We must remember they say "Home is where the heart is"... I don't know where my heart is right now.

The point is this I spent this whole week doing nothing. Though I took Daisy (my laptop. Yes, I put names to my things. Some say this might be a psychological problem regarding my feeling of posession over things... dunno); I took Daisy back home because I wanted to work on some school proyects. Ask me if I turned my computer on. C'mon, do it. Humor me, please... well, yeah, I did turn it on because I actually format it and had to listen to my music at some point, but I did nothing regarding school. I just relaxed. Took some time off, shut down body and mind. Rest.

Well, it did not work.

Some would argue that I should feel refreshed, with energy. Or at least happy of going back home and seeing familiar ground. Funny thing is, it is not familiar ground anymore. I remember when some friends left the city to study somewhere else back in the days; and later they spoke of how much they hated coming back home because they felt like visitors, intruders rather than... well... home. This had never happened to me; my family is kind enough to leave my room exactly as I leave it, not one speck of dust is moved.

But it is the other things. After two years out of my home town... or... home city, I come back and I don't recognize my friends. I sit there with them, and hear them talking about people I don't know, about event's that apparently are very funny to remember but I just stare blankly past them because, suprise, I was not there when it happened. Others still have all the comforts of living-at-home luxuries that I do not get anymore. In summary: their lives took twists and turns in which I was not part of. It leaves me feeling like a stranger. And before I get there, they tell me how much they miss me, how much they wish I had never left, how much they want to see me. Suddenly I arrive, and people do not call. People do not visit. If I do not explicitly call them up, they would barely know I was there. I think the only being that did truly miss me, that awaits my return each and every time I leave my house is The Queen. Who is the Queen? She's the elder of my Chihuahuas. As soon as the door opened she rushed inside and greeted me, barely parting from my arms all week long.

Of all the 9 days I spent back home only one did I truly, wholeheartly enjoy. Last Friday, Good Friday. Now, please do not ask me the logic behind spending Good Friday watching B-Horror Movies, but we did just that. Yet that is besides the point. The point is that on that dayI felt truly missed, really had contact with another human being. Someone made my whole day... no... she did my whole week... no... hell, maybe she did my whole semester in as few moments as it takes to do one single, gentle gesture . As we sat seeing movies, I began to toy with her hair, and she me back. We held.

Dissi, truly from the depts of my heart: Thank you.

After that I wanted to come back to my Four Wall and a Ceiling. Back to study, back to the monotony of school, back to my proyects, my obnoxious rommy. And here I am, proyects awaiting, tomorrow the semifinals of a monologue contest, a play two weeks from now and other two plays 5 feeks ahead. Parcial exams in about two weeks...

I need vacations.

Disposable Life

Welcome back Ol' Three Faithful Readers. I have something amazing, extraordinaire and rare to tell you; a story which I will call "Thirteen Hours." This story will be posted in the last paragraph of this post because first I have other stuff to nag about.

On sunday, the God of Lighting and me discovered that my car had a flat tire. Actually, it was the pizza delivery guy who found out but was kind enough to let me know. Let me tell you, it was flat, all the way down. Promply, God of Lighting and me took the car to the nearest gas station and pumped some air into the tire. Man, it has the mother of all holes somewhere because at a full 50cm. away from it you can hear the *swoooooosh* of air hissing its way out of the tire. After that we still went to the dinner with the play's people and all. Yesterday I phoned my dad to let him know of the problem, and of the solution: Change all tires! Hahahaha. Aaaaa, the amazing wonders of the american way of life: "Everything's disposable." So I'm going today to get some new tires for the good ol' Buddymobile.

I must admit that although I was born in México, living in the border and with my californian father, my mindset has always been of an American. I cannot help it but see the world through the eyes of the american way of life. But fellow mexican friends do not dispair, I also believe that in rare, isolated moments the mexican spirit in me shows its head; which allows me to amalgam what I think are the best elements of both worlds creating a richer sense of self... uh... or maybe I'm mostly American and this is me trying to convince you not to hate me, hahaha!

As you can be guessing, I will from now on reffer to some recurring charactes in my posts by the nicknames I've assigned them. Little by little I will introduce them; for today, meet the God of Lighting, The Powers That Be and My Four Walls.

  • God of Lighting: A friend who lately has spent a lot of time in illumination chores at the theater. We have established that one of the most important roles in a play is the lighting technician, or else you would end up with a dark and gloomy play. He owns you. Respect him.
  • The Powers That Be: The Man. The Almighty. The One Above. God. It doesn't matter by what name you call Him, He's up there watching and listening.
  • My Four Walls: My room in the school's residences.
And now, to the enjoyment of my Ol' Three Faithful Readers I present to you the story aptly titled "Thirteen Hours." Yesterday I found out my 18:00 to 21:00 class was canceled which overjoyed everyone. I blessed the Powers That Be and went to My Four Walls. I decided it was time to sort out my MP3 collection, read a little and sleep. Well, I began by ripping all my new Ayreon, Les Luthiers and Frank Zappa CDs (Yeah, I do buy the CDs :D) as well as some others I had forgotten to rip. I grabbed a good bood so magnificently called "365 Short Horror Stories" (if you cannot figure out the purpose of this book, I will personally go and pull your legs while you sleep) and suddenly: blackness. Everything went out of focus, the book fell on my chest and Winamp roared in the background. At around 18:30 I fell asleep; dreaming of mystical worlds, crazy people, odd situations and Adelitas. Only to wake up at 9:00 the next day. I slept around 13 straight hours! Wohooo! I really needed that. Now I feel renewed, young and energetic.

And sexier too!

Of stages and camcorders

I would first like to greet my Ol' Three Faithful Readers and to apologize for not writing yesterday. Point is I was at a the theater the whole day recording a play... okay, I lied, not the whole day but early in the morning I had to go to the library to do some teamwork.

Now, pray I ask what kind of people do schoolwork, whichever it is, at 11am on a Sunday? And in the reclusion of the library? I swear to the Powers That Be that sometimes I feel as if the walls of the library were closing down on me, chocking me with their silent, bare and cold stare. We have ducks and some deer walking around freely on campus; why we cannot do our work outside with the fresh air, watch people walk by, talk freely, watch deer walk by, listen to music, watch ducks walk by, eat some food, watch ducks copulate. Oooooo, spring is early in the air.

The play was good. If someone other than my Ol'Three Faithful Readers are having a knack at this, let me tell you that though it was a play filled with stress by all the weird circumstances around it, it came out pretty well. I would like to congratulate all the ladies that participated in it, as much as the ladies on the stage as those behind helping with utility and clothing, the whip wearing assistant director, the pretty audio assistant, and the god of lighting up above; since each one of them brought something special to the play. As a side note, bringing something special doesn't mean it was good or bad; quite contrary. Wheter good or bad it was their own distinct personalities that brought some spice to the play.

As for me... well... I just recorded the play.


... I'm such an ass... more on that later. Must do Compilers homework.

So it begins...

So... yeah. I have intended to begin a blog thingie for a while. I was actually planning on pseudo-developing one at my site. But no matter, me got lazy and here I am while I finish that.

It's funny, I do not know if I should introduce myself considering that starting off most people who will see my writings will be friends; or at least an acquaintance :D Hello friends and acquaintances! Besides, I do not want to give too much information about me, since people always like a little mistery. Specially chicks, they dig it ;)

Well, right now I'm in class, so I guess I will let this go for the moment right now. Besides, this is a test of the emergency broadcast system *insert high pitched, ear bursting, eye popping beeeeeeeeeeeep*