So it begins...

So... yeah. I have intended to begin a blog thingie for a while. I was actually planning on pseudo-developing one at my site. But no matter, me got lazy and here I am while I finish that.

It's funny, I do not know if I should introduce myself considering that starting off most people who will see my writings will be friends; or at least an acquaintance :D Hello friends and acquaintances! Besides, I do not want to give too much information about me, since people always like a little mistery. Specially chicks, they dig it ;)

Well, right now I'm in class, so I guess I will let this go for the moment right now. Besides, this is a test of the emergency broadcast system *insert high pitched, ear bursting, eye popping beeeeeeeeeeeep*



2:00 PM

EEES coRREcto!!! puro frieend!! jo jo jo, chido chido, karlita tambien tiene un blog, no me acuerdo cual es, pero chido chécalo también. Saludineeeees!


5:03 PM

Papa - Saludos hijo, agregame a tu blog y deja te agrego al mio :).
