This is big

Okay... the Monologue Contest eliminations start in one hour 15 minutes. Even so, my turn is not up until 3 hours and 25 minutes.

Something big happens... something that had never happened before... I'm nervous.

Never, ever in my whole time as an actor, in all 11 plays I have been in have I ever felt nervousness like this. Only a small tingle in my stomach just as I walk to the stage... but never before. Not once had I felt my stomach crunch up and wiggle...

Well, I'm off. I'm going to relax my mind. Later I will tell you how it all went.


  Chubby girl of your dreams

7:13 PM

Aloha Hermano!

Mucha suerte! pero sobre todo, mucho talento!!!

Te va a ir MUY bien, ya verás. Ya sabes que te apoyo desde acá! Puedes escuchar mis porras? *joooorge jooooorge*

Te quiero mucho!

  Chubby girl of your dreams

7:19 PM

Helou Yorsh!!!!!

Mucha Suerte en los resultados!!! vas a ver que te va muy bien! yo te echo porras junto con tu hermanilla!!

Nos tienes que presumir tu monologo pero aca con todo y actuacion cuando regreses!

Cuidate mucho!!! y Happy Birthay de nuez!!!! bye bye

Atte tu dear friend....Diana I.