I must apologize to my Ol' Three Faithful Readers, but it seems I took some very long vacations. Actually, if I must be 100% honest, I got somewhat lazy. There's a point somewhere around 11pm in which my brain goes to complete shut-down mode.
Anyway, many things have happened. From one day The Powers That Be loving me too much and having classes canceled, to me yelling at some dude in a take-out restaurant because here in Mexico customer service is non-existant. Then what we know as Holy Week in Mexico, known in the US as Spring Break. The only difference is that Holy Week/Spring Break is always at the same time as Easter, whereas in the US Spring Brake varies over time.
So I went back home, considering home as the place where I grew up, my house, where my family waits for me and 6 Chihuahua dogs wait anxiously for me. We must remember they say "Home is where the heart is"... I don't know where my heart is right now.
The point is this I spent this whole week doing nothing. Though I took Daisy (my laptop. Yes, I put names to my things. Some say this might be a psychological problem regarding my feeling of posession over things... dunno); I took Daisy back home because I wanted to work on some school proyects. Ask me if I turned my computer on. C'mon, do it. Humor me, please... well, yeah, I did turn it on because I actually format it and had to listen to my music at some point, but I did nothing regarding school. I just relaxed. Took some time off, shut down body and mind. Rest.
Well, it did not work.
Some would argue that I should feel refreshed, with energy. Or at least happy of going back home and seeing familiar ground. Funny thing is, it is not familiar ground anymore. I remember when some friends left the city to study somewhere else back in the days; and later they spoke of how much they hated coming back home because they felt like visitors, intruders rather than... well... home. This had never happened to me; my family is kind enough to leave my room exactly as I leave it, not one speck of dust is moved.
But it is the other things. After two years out of my home town... or... home city, I come back and I don't recognize my friends. I sit there with them, and hear them talking about people I don't know, about event's that apparently are very funny to remember but I just stare blankly past them because, suprise, I was not there when it happened. Others still have all the comforts of living-at-home luxuries that I do not get anymore. In summary: their lives took twists and turns in which I was not part of. It leaves me feeling like a stranger. And before I get there, they tell me how much they miss me, how much they wish I had never left, how much they want to see me. Suddenly I arrive, and people do not call. People do not visit. If I do not explicitly call them up, they would barely know I was there. I think the only being that did truly miss me, that awaits my return each and every time I leave my house is The Queen. Who is the Queen? She's the elder of my Chihuahuas. As soon as the door opened she rushed inside and greeted me, barely parting from my arms all week long.
Of all the 9 days I spent back home only one did I truly, wholeheartly enjoy. Last Friday, Good Friday. Now, please do not ask me the logic behind spending Good Friday watching B-Horror Movies, but we did just that. Yet that is besides the point. The point is that on that dayI felt truly missed, really had contact with another human being. Someone made my whole day... no... she did my whole week... no... hell, maybe she did my whole semester in as few moments as it takes to do one single, gentle gesture . As we sat seeing movies, I began to toy with her hair, and she me back. We held.
Dissi, truly from the depts of my heart: Thank you.
After that I wanted to come back to my Four Wall and a Ceiling. Back to study, back to the monotony of school, back to my proyects, my obnoxious rommy. And here I am, proyects awaiting, tomorrow the semifinals of a monologue contest, a play two weeks from now and other two plays 5 feeks ahead. Parcial exams in about two weeks...
I need vacations.
6:52 AM
I'm a reader... I'm just not a faithful one :P
kinda like a once in a while reader.
8:09 AM
When i left home... some years ago, i figure out that i wasn't part of... well, something at my home town.
I undestand perfectly your feelings. And you said raight: "Home is where your heart is".
11:12 PM
Potatoe, that's one of the reasons why you gotta keep, at least, contact with the people nearby you, if you can't or find it to difficult to do so with the ones home (I know the feeling v.well). So, chin up bro. y'know I'm around if y'need anything or just want to hang out and chill out.
Be seeing ya :).
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