Welcome back Ol' Three Faithful Readers. I have something amazing, extraordinaire and rare to tell you; a story which I will call "Thirteen Hours." This story will be posted in the last paragraph of this post because first I have other stuff to nag about.
On sunday, the God of Lighting and me discovered that my car had a flat tire. Actually, it was the pizza delivery guy who found out but was kind enough to let me know. Let me tell you, it was flat, all the way down. Promply, God of Lighting and me took the car to the nearest gas station and pumped some air into the tire. Man, it has the mother of all holes somewhere because at a full 50cm. away from it you can hear the *swoooooosh* of air hissing its way out of the tire. After that we still went to the dinner with the play's people and all. Yesterday I phoned my dad to let him know of the problem, and of the solution: Change all tires! Hahahaha. Aaaaa, the amazing wonders of the american way of life: "Everything's disposable." So I'm going today to get some new tires for the good ol' Buddymobile.
I must admit that although I was born in México, living in the border and with my californian father, my mindset has always been of an American. I cannot help it but see the world through the eyes of the american way of life. But fellow mexican friends do not dispair, I also believe that in rare, isolated moments the mexican spirit in me shows its head; which allows me to amalgam what I think are the best elements of both worlds creating a richer sense of self... uh... or maybe I'm mostly American and this is me trying to convince you not to hate me, hahaha!
As you can be guessing, I will from now on reffer to some recurring charactes in my posts by the nicknames I've assigned them. Little by little I will introduce them; for today, meet the God of Lighting, The Powers That Be and My Four Walls.
- God of Lighting: A friend who lately has spent a lot of time in illumination chores at the theater. We have established that one of the most important roles in a play is the lighting technician, or else you would end up with a dark and gloomy play. He owns you. Respect him.
- The Powers That Be: The Man. The Almighty. The One Above. God. It doesn't matter by what name you call Him, He's up there watching and listening.
- My Four Walls: My room in the school's residences.
And sexier too!
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