Timmy Likes It!

Some time ago I thought this, finally my last semester, I would have lots and titanic amounts of free time to do a whole bunch of stuff I had intention to accomplish. And then Father Fate reared his crooked nose and here I am praying for a few minutes to go to the bathroom. I skipped a lot of posts for various reasons ranging from the fact that on the week before a play presentation I usually do not exist for anything more than the play, to idiotic excuses such as not having clean clothes.
Fortunately for some, unfortunately to others and indifference of my neighbors, here I am again.
And today's post, oh my Ol' Three Faithful Readers, has to do precisely with me being rushing from activity to activity. Not long ago I was complaining that I barely had time to do what I wanted to do; were it playing on the computer, writing, drawing or simply munching my trusty bag of Doritos and my 2-liter bottle of Coke while listening to that sweet music sweeping my brain. I blamed school, I blamed humanity and I shook my fist in anger.
Now, I have time to do as I please. And what, pray I tell, I do with it you ask? I got myself busy with extra activities I have no real need to be doing. I blame them, I blame humanity and I shake my fist in anger. But you want to know the worst part of it? I like it. I like the adrenaline rush in my body when I have to be in two places at the exact same time; I like the excitement of skipping what little classes I have to do other things; I like the way people believe my made up excuses as the hard truth. In some twisted and perveted ways my sane mind cannot fully comprehend, I like it.
Yet this happens day to day in a more grand scale than just me as an individual but also Humanity, as a whole, likes it. It appears as if, for some odd reason, masochism were an intricate part of our human nature. Day to day we put ourselves in positions that we know will hurt us. We cut down trees, suck up the oil, torture our children, make up wars and shoot down or own compatriots in times of need. Everything around us has been erected to make us happy; and we destroy it with pleasure. The living cry out the names of the dead for comfort as we join them under a rain of bullets buzzing on our television's speakers while we feed our babies with half-truths of a middle class paradise long lost at the same time grandpa rots of ignorance alone under our sun's shadow waiting for a bus that will never arrive. Communication surrounds us all around with electric waves bouncing and dancing around our heads carrying coded bits of malformed words meaning crypted semantics from one individual to another half an-ever-shrinking world apart all the while we hide our communion with those closest to us because we forget the words that make up our emotions that are long to connect falling on deaf ears and a failed muted breath. We are constantly sinking in a river of tears and blood drowning our lungs with every breath and each time we raise from the depths is only to gain momentum to sink deeper.
And we like it.
As for me... well... I am a masochist. That's why I fall in love.



11:30 PM

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1:31 PM

.dude nice post and hahaha you were a victim of guerrilla marketing haha funny shit_