They say I have issues!

How's it hanging, my Good Ol' Three Faithful Readers?
Just the other day I was at this... hum... I was about to call it a party, but it was more of a reunion. That is under the convention, of course, that parties have to involve booze, music, lots of people, munchies and a ratio of 1.5 women per each male in the party; and at least a couple making out. So based on that definition of the word "party" I was on a reunion with some of the guys from the play I am rehearsing for school. From the moment I got there I realized there was something missing from the reunion. Something so vital for any social meeting of people. Something without which no human relations can take place.
Promptly I decided to take hands in the matter and began repeating the word over and over. "Munchies." One hour passed in which words were spoken, jokes were told, dreams were shattered and fashion was criticized. Like the raven in Poe's poem I could only repeat one word: "Munchies."
 "`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore -
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels named Lenore?'
Quoth the raven, 'MUNCHIES!'"
When I finally got them annoyed, we finally decided to go get some... can you guess? No? You give up? Bags of Doritos and Coke! Others went to get some booze and our Mom Away From Home went to get some hamburgers. Which, by the way, I would call Pizzaburgers; I kid you not, those hamburgers were the size of a family sized pizza from Domino's. Really, I'm not kidding. You could easily feed a whole family of Elbonians off one of those gigantic burgers which cost just $5 bucks. Yes. You read right: $5 for a 20" burger; that's 50.8cm. for the English Measure System Impaired. Six Dollar Burger, eat your heart out.
After that people sat in chairs and the couches to drink, eat munchies and a slice of the gigant-o-burger chatting from vanal topics as who is or not a virgin to pool conceptions passing by colon collapses and ghost stories for the next 6 hours. All the while, I could only repeat the same sentence over and over when asked for my point of view: "I once farted."
Maybe I really have issues. Maybe I like being gross. Or maybe I had no interest what-so-ever in the conversations. More likely I felt I had nothing really interesting to add to the conversation. Mind you, people still laughed everytime I said those three senseless words; which actually worries me. Who has more issues: me for saying "I once farted" or them for laughing each time I uttered such desecration for 6 hours straight?
It was a good night in the end, sans getting stuck in the terrace for about 10 minutes because, as if by a mysterious and unseen force, the sliding door closed and a ghostly hand put the latch on. But that's besides the point. This is my point with my story.
Yes... click the link... yeah... that is a link to my point... click it... done?... have you read the article? Thanks.
Bad ideas. Good ideas. Crazy ideas. Sick ideas. Planned ideas. It does not matter. They are ideas after all. And as far fetched as they might be they are as valid as any because we do not know when a half-baked idea can be developed into a full-fledged vision. Heck, if you actually think about it most of the great discoveries in our world were created when someone had a really bizarre idea; but instead of succumbing all those jealous voices trying to kill the idea they got to work on them. Savour them. Dream them. And living them.
How many people out there cannot have one, just one, truly original idea; where it good or bad? How many out there have you heard say: "I just don't have any good ideas!"? Ideas are nor good or bad. Neither crazy or sick. They just are. Keeping them flowing is what makes us creative; constantly throwing ideas around and playing with them is how we create things.
Maybe someone was in a reunion with some friends and suddenly said: "I once peed." Then another friend added to that idea while looking at the stars sprayed across the dark sky: "Hey... would it not be cool to create electricity from pee?" They played around with it... the idea, I mean, and wham! Peed powered batteries. Nuclear power. Penicillin. Creation.
As for me, I once farted.